Microsoft Photo 1.2 Region schema

The Microsoft XMP schemas for people tagging define a set of properties to tag individuals in digital photos.

Reference: People Tagging Overview

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
RegionInfo RegionInfo RegionInfo XmpText Internal Microsoft Photo people-tagging metadata root

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
Regions Regions bag Region XmpBag External Contains Regions/person tags
DateRegionsValid Date Regions Valid Date XmpText External Date the last region was created

Property Label Value type Exiv2 type Category Description
PersonDisplayName Person Display Name Text XmpText External Name of the person (in the given rectangle)
Rectangle Rectangle Text XmpText External Rectangle that identifies the person within the photo
PersonEmailDigest Person Email Digest Text XmpText External SHA-1 encrypted message hash of the person's Windows Live e-mail address
PersonLiveIdCID Person LiveId CID Text XmpText External Signed decimal representation of the person's Windows Live CID